Hear God Calling You: A Biblical and Practical Approach to Discerning your Calling and Finding Career Fulfillment is a new workbook from Crossroads Career. This workbook is designed to be practical and hands-on. We collected strategic insights from pastors and theologians who have been writing for decades on this deep and critical topic. Then, based on what we’ve learned, we’ve outlined a practical and applicable process for you to follow.
This workbook full of exercises that ask you to think, reflect, engage, and act. As you fill in the Calling Canvas by completing the eight applications throughout the workbook, you’re essentially painting a picture of what you’ve discovered about your calling as a “masterpiece” of God. When you leave this book, you’ll be able to hold on to this one-page portrait of your unique calling. If you want to put the rubber to the road when it comes to hearing God calling, this book is for you.
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